Author: TVL


24 February, European Resistance Day

Presentation of the Proposal There is a clear connection between the Ukrainian Resistance and the process of European unity, which was born during the Resistance to Nazi-fascism in order to ensure peace among the European peoples through the sharing of sovereignty in different areas, through the creation of common institutions and policies. For years now Ukraine has chosen to be...


Presentation The Proposal of a Manifesto for a Federal Europe: sovereign, social and ecological, was an idea born in 2021on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the Ventotene Manifesto and during the development of the Conference on the Future of Europe. A total of 23 drafters (representatives of political organizations, federalist activists, academics and experts) and 60 supporters have...

Appeal to the European Institutions – The Mediterranean, the Middle East and the Western Balkans: towards a European foreign policy

It is glaringly evident that strategic objectives and clear guidelines for a European foreign and security policy urgently need to be formulated.The European Union is committed to defining its role and taking action for a new “world order”, focusing on the development of multilateralism as the best way to govern global public goods.Europe’s neighbouring areas represent the most immediate test...

Citizens Take Over Europe

Join our event on Tuesday! Launching a citizen-led conference on the future of Europe. Exciting news! We are happy to announce that we are organising a series of online events on the 15 December (starting at 17:30) & 14-15 January showcasing the vision for a dynamic, participatory and inclusive Conference on the Future of Europe.During these sessions, decision-makers, opinion leaders,...

A Call for a Child Union

For a strong Child Guarantee and a Next Generations EU fund for Europe’s future generations Within the European Union, even before the pandemic, 23 million children were at risk of poverty and social exclusion. The financial difficulties endured by European families due to Covid-19 as well as the disruption in early childhood education and care (ECEC) services have further strained...

European Democracy is not for sale: A call to Action!

The European Union is at a crucial turning point. The concrete implementation of the Recovery Plan, presented by the European Commission to save and relaunch a sustainable European economy, is bringing out conflicts on a decisive point. Should European financial resources allocated to national governments be linked to respect for the rule of law or not? Some governments, such as...

Think and act like a citizen of the world

Think and act like a citizen of the world In our politically and economically interdependent world the idea of progress seems to have disappeared. The major powers have taken up the nuclear arms race once more, investing heavily in the military sector when what we urgently need is effective international cooperation on sustainable development to halt global warming. It is...
